Sunday, October 11, 2009

Luncheon Topic: Why We Need a Free Press

LWV OAKLAND AREA - Annual Fall Luncheon

Monday, October 19, 2009 at 12 noon

"Why We Need a Free Press"


First Baptist Church

300 Willits

Birmingham, MI 48009

(1 block North of Maple Rd, 1 block West of Old Woodward)

Parking (1st 2 hours free) at adjacent Garage. Enter at Bates and Willits.

Enter the Church via the BACK Door which leads into Fellowship Hall.


Greg Kowalski, Editor of Birmingham Eccentric

Garry Gilbert, Interim Director of Journalism Dept, Oakland University

Rana Elmir, Communications Director, ACLU of Michigan

Lunch will be served at 12 noon and we will hear from the Speakers at 1 p.m.

There will be an opportunity for Questions and Answers.

Thank you to Dorothy Conrad and Marge Polidori who are again hosting the fall luncheon.

Out customary lunch of pita sandwiches, veggies, dessert and beverages will be served.

Indicate your choice of pita and send the reservation with a check to LWVOA for $20 per attendee for lunch and speakers to Marge Polidori at the address on the reservation form below.

The meeting is open to the public so invite your friends, family or neighbors to hear about this

important constitutional freedom. If you cannot make lunch, but would like to hear the speakers,

the charge is $5. Call our office at 248-594-6602 and leave a message if any questions.



Monday, October 19th at 12 Noon

$20 Lunch & Speakers (lunch, beverages & dessert)

$5 Speakers only at 1 pm


Please RSVP by Thursday, Oct. 15th (print and mail form)

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Dearborn Ballot and Candidate Forums on CDTV

CANDIDATE FORUMS & BALLOT PROPOSAL now showing on local access channels,

Comcast 12, Wide Open West 10.

Dearborn Heights City Council candidate forum will be shown at 11:30am and 5:30pm

Dearborn School Board candidates & ballot proposal:
>>MWF – 7AM, 3PM, 11PM;
>>T &TH – Noon and 8PM;
>>SAT & SUN – 1AM, 9AM, 5PM.

Dearborn City Council candidates:
>>MWF – 2:30 AM, 10:30AM, 6:30PM;
>>T & TH – 7:30 AM & 3:30 PM;
>>Sat & SUN – 4:30AM, 12:30PM & 8:30PM

Voter Guides issued by the League of Women Voters are available at libraries and the City Clerk's offices.

Stay tuned for viewing times for the Oct 13th LWV Dearborn Mayoral Candidate Forum.

HFCC Student Convention Oct 16th

HFCC and League host 6th Annual Michigan Student Political Issues Convention – Civic Action Project
HFCC in conjunction with the League of Women Voters Dearborn-Dearborn Heights is hosting the 6th Annual Michigan Student Political Issues Convention on Friday October 16, 2009 from 9:30 AM to 1:30 PM on the college's main campus, located at 5101 Evergreen Road in Dearborn. Hundreds of students are expected to attend the political forum from colleges and universities in southeastern Michigan.

Distinguished panelists include State Senator Irma Clark-Coleman, Mayors J. O'Reilly and D. Paletko, State Representatives G. Polidori and G. Cushingberry and A. Meisner, Treasurer Oakland County.

The programs purpose is to empower young people with the knowledge and skills to become politically engaged. The Civic Action Project at Henry Ford Community College is integrated into higher education courses helping build responsible, effective and informed citizens in the world. The key to the program is activities that allow students to develop a unified voice on an issues agenda of their choosing.

The convention includes an interactive local leaders' panel where leaders are invited to hear students concerns and respond to them. Followed by concurrent workshops developed by students which may include: jobs, economy, healthcare, alternative energy, global warming, overpopulation, unemployment, education and violence. To develop a final agenda, the students work together researching issues, learning about compromise and empathy in the act of limiting their agenda to certain issues. Finally, they request local leaders take action on specific issues which fall within their realm of influence.

"The key to this program are activities which allow students to develop a unified voice on an issues agenda of their choosing," indicates Professor A. Perry of HFCC.

The League of Women Voters is a non-partisan organization which encourages informed and active participation in government, works to increase understanding of major public policy issues, and influences public policy through education and advocacy.

let's go to the movies! Oct 15th

Join LWVDDH and AAUW at the Henry Ford Centennial Library on Thursday, October 15th, 6:30pm.  The free movie, Iron-Jawed Angels, is a dramatic and inspiring tale of the fight for voting rights.  It hasn't been that long since the USA 'gave' women a voice at the ballot box.   See our Movie Flyer (pdf req'd) to find out more.
We look forward to seeing many of you and talking a bit before the movie starts.  We've got local elections coming up and hope that citizens increase participation.   Encourage your neighbors and friends to attend this movie and perhaps we'll all be motivated to take part in democracy.  It works better that way!

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Health Care Reform

"The public option is the key to consumer choice and to lowering health care costs...
The current health care system is endangering our economy, our health, and our national security. Congress needs to pass comprehensive health care reform and the public option is vital...Offering everyone the choice of a government administered health insurance plan like Medicare that would compete with private health insurance plans is key to lowering costs and providing real choice to consumers.
The public option is critical to health care reform. Congress and the President need to demonstrate real leadership and move forward, not backward, with true health care reform."
Excerpt from LWV Press Release.  Sept 30, 2009