Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Voting Records of Michigan Lawmakers

According to an article by the Detroit News, The Mackinac Center for Public Policy found an unimpressive level of voting rates by Michigan legislators. On a positive note, Bob Constan. D-Dearborn Heights voted 100% of the time.

What was the requirement?
"Michigan lawmakers, who are paid $79,650 annually, met in session 94 times during 2008 -- not exactly heavy lifting, considering there were just two session days each in July and August; three sessions in October; four in November; and seven meeting days this month. "

Voting is not the only thing these legislators do, of course, but it is the final thing they do. There are some reasonable excuses for some of the missed votes, but voters may want to evaluate the performance of their state senators and representatives.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Dearborn Judge - Recount Withdrawn

After counting half of the ballots, Abbatt conceded that the first tally was proving accurate and cancelled the rest of the recount.

Saturday, November 29, 2008

Recount on 19th District Judicial Race?

According to the Press and Guide, Candidate Abbatt is requesting a recount, contending that potential computer errors and statistical aberrations.

Friday, November 7, 2008


Dearborn Heights published new election summary (voter turnout 69.26%),  to view these results you can follow this link:

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Dearborn Heights Election Update

As of 7:30AM, November 5, 2008, the City of Dearborn Heights posted the following results: 
Dearborn Heights School District #7
Operating Millage Proposal, Non-Homestead and Qualified Agricultural Property Tax ( 9 of 9 precints reporting):
Yes (2890)
No (2454)
Restoration Millage Proposal For Building and Site Sinking Fund (9 of 9 precints reporting):
No (3,112)
Yes (2,203)
For more election results, you can click the following link:

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Dearborn Election Results

Based on the unofficial report published late evening on November 4th, 2008, we can see one more example why every vote is so important.  In a very close race for the 19th District Court, Judge Somers won his re-election by 228 votes. 
Sharon Lee Dulmage lost her seat on the Dearborn School Board by less than 2,000 votes to Mary Lane who came in second.  Aimee Blackburn was reelected.  Blackburn came in first in this five candidates race.
Turnout was at 71.01%
For other results, you can use this link to get the updated election information from the City of Dearborn:

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Transportation to the polls available!

Do you know how your constituents are getting to the polls?

Michigan 2-1-1 has partnered with the Michigan Nonprofit Association, of which LWVMI is a member, to provide information about free and low-cost rides to voting sites. We at Michigan Participation Project surveyed transportation authorities and nonprofits throughout the state to identify free rides for voters. There are available in some areas, but not all. In areas where free rides aren't offered, the 2-1-1 operators can direct folks to other low-cost transportation through their normal protocol.

It's easy - if you are serviced by a regional 2-1-1 call center, that's all folks need to dial. (You can pick up the phone and check yourself, or take a look at the attached coverage map.) If you don't have local 2-1-1 service you can call the statewide toll-free number for assistance: 1-800-552-1183.

Help us spread the word - make sure voters know about all the resources available to get them to the polls. The last thing we want to hear on November 5 is, "I wanted to vote, but I couldn't find a ride."

The Michigan Participation Project (MPP) is a nonpartisan, nonprofit initiative dedicated to expanding the role of Michigan's 501(c)(3) nonprofit organizations in voting and elections. We provide training, materials and other resources designed to help nonprofits integrate voter registration, voter education and voter mobilization work into their ongoing activities. Visit today!

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

17th District State Rep Forum - Watch NOW

17th District for the Michigan Legislature includes Redford, parts of Livonia and Dearborn Heights

Sunday, October 26, 2008

17th District State Rep Forum - TV times

WDHT is airing the forum at 11 am & 5 pm daily on  your local channel.  Candidates Andy Dillon and Sandra Eggers answered questions prepared by the audience and LWVDDH members.


If you would like to present the forum to your group, request a DVD by email :

Website viewing available soon...stay tuned.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Statewide Voter Guide Online!

LWVMI published a 28 page Voter Guide!
Go to for access to the 2 part voter guide online, and other helpful pages, such as 'How to Choose a Judge'

This Non-partisan Voter Guide includes Congressional District Maps,Voter Information, Ballot Proposals and
Candidate Responses for the following:
U.S. Senator
U.S. Representatives
State Board of Education
University of Michigan
Michigan State University
Wayne State University
State Supreme Court
Court of Appeals

Monday, October 13, 2008

17th Dist State Rep Candidate Forum Pics

Candidates Andy Dillon and Sandra Eggers
at the Dearborn Heights City Council Chambers.

Mona Hammoud, President of LWVDDH
with some of the Voter Service Committee:
Judy Carty, Betsy Cushman, and Judy Patrick.

Jenni Dunn, Chris Sullivan, Mona Hammoud

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Dearborn Forums on DVDs at Libraries

DVDs of the September 30th Candidate Forums (19th District Court and Dearborn School Board) are available for checkout at all 4 Dearborn Public Libraries. 
You can also download the and view the videos online by clicking links below.
Judicial Forum
School Board Forum

Monday, October 6, 2008

Call for Poll Workers

In order to be a poll worker in Michigan:
  • You must be registered to vote in Michigan
  • You will be entitled to compensation
  • You must be at least 18 years of age
  • Political affiliation required
  • You must be a resident of the county
  • You must complete required training
  • Students16 years or older who meet all other voter requirements may be appointed

To sign up, contact your local board of elections.


Local Election Official: Cathy Marie Garrett
Email Form:

Phone (313) 224-6262
Fax (313) 224-5364


Friday, October 3, 2008

Another Judicial Candidate Forum for Dearborn

Dearborn Voters!  Participate in Democracy and get to know candidates! 
Attending candidate forums gives you first-hand education.

Wednesday October 8, 2008 at 7:00 pm

at the Bint Jebail Cultural Center

6220 Miller Rd in Dearborn


For more information, please email

Dearborn Voters - Watch the forums ONLINE!

Thanks to the City of Dearborn, especially CDTV, we have online access to the forum videos. Be an educated voter. Download and Watch these forums, and please let your friends and neighbors know about this option.

19th District - Judicial Candidates:

  • Candyce Ewing Abbatt
  • Mark W. Somers
  • Aimee Blackburn
  • John C. Corbin
  • Sharon Lee Dulmage
  • Mary Lane
  • Tameria A. Metiva

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Dearborn Forums - TV Times

Viewable on the public access channel:
19th District Court - Mon-Wed-Fri 6:30 am, 2:30 pm, 10:30 pm
                                  Tue-Thur  11:30 am, 7:30 pm
                                 Sat-Sun  8:30 am, 4:30 pm
School Board -       Mon-Wed-Fri   10:30 am, 6:30 pm
                                    Tue - Thur  7:30 am, 3:30 pm
                                  Sat - Sun   12:30 am, 8:30 pm
Have feedback about these forums or other questions about the league?  Send us an email -

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Local Candidates Forums and Voter Guide

Join Us! More Details in posts below.

September 30th, 2008: Dearborn candidates forum (Judicial and School Board) at the Dearborn City Council Chambers at 7:00m.

October 1st, 2008: 17th District State Representative (covering parts of Livonia, Dearborn Heights and Redford) at the Dearborn Heights City Council Chambers at 8:00pm

Read the Voter Guide online! Covering our local elections - State Representatives, County Commissioners, Judicial (Circuit and District), School Board and Ballot Proposals.

Monday, September 22, 2008

Oct 1, 8pm Forum - 17th District State Rep

The League of Women Voters of Dearborn-Dearborn Heights is sponsoring a forum on October 1, 2008 at Council Chambers, Dearborn Heights City Hall for 17th District State Representative, with candidates Andy Dillon (Democrat - Redford) and Sandra Eggers (Republican - Livonia).

The program will be taped for subsequent viewing on public access channels.

The League of Women Voters is a nonpartisan political organization, which encourages the informed and active participation of citizens in government. The League does not support or oppose political parties or candidates.

For further information call 313.278.6476

September 30, 2008 Dearborn Candidate Forum

Judicial candidates for the 19th District Court (Dearborn) Candyce Ewing Abbatt and Mark W. Somers have accepted invitations to participate in a Candidate Forum on Tuesday, September 30, 2008 at 7 p.m. in the Council Chambers at Dearborn's City Hall.  Sponsored by the League of Women Voters of Dearborn – Dearborn Heights, the forum will be taped by CDTV and aired at numerous times on the City's public access channel, (12 for Comcast. 10 for WOW).


The 5 candidates for the Dearborn School Board have been invited to participate in forum at 8 p.m. on September 30, 2008 following the judicial forum.  Those candidates are Aimee Blackburn, John C. Corbin, Sharon Lee Dulmage, Mary Lane and Tameria A. Metiva.  CDTV has also agreed to tape and air this important public forum.


The forums are conducted in a strictly nonpartisan fashion.  Candidates will be given 2 minutes for opening statements, 1 minute closing statements, asked the same questions and given the same amount of time to answer.  Written questions from the audience may be submitted, and, time-permitting, will be asked of the candidates.


The League of Women Voters is a nonpartisan political organization, financed by members and public-spirited citizens, which encourages the informed and active participation of citizens in government, and influences public policy through education and advocacy.  The League does not support or oppose political parties or candidates.  Membership is open to all U.S. citizens. 


For further information call 313-278-6476

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

November 4, 2008 Local Competitive Political Races

11th District State Representative (3 pcts. in N.E. Dbn., mainly Detroit)
Leonard A. Mier, Jr., Republican
David E. Nathan, Democrat
15th District State Representative (Dearborn)
Gino H. Polidori, Democrat
J. Scott Saionz, Republican
16th District State Representative (Dearborn Heights-south)
Bob Constan, Democrat
Joseph M. Smith, Republican
17th District State Representative (Dearborn Heights-north)
Andy Dillon, Democrat
Sandra Eggers, Republican
Wayne County Treasurer
Brendan Dunleavy, Republican
Raymond J. Wojtowicz, Democrat
Wayne County Sheriff
Warren C. Evans, Democrat
Taras P. Nykoniak, Republican
Wayne County Clerk
Lanell Buffington, Republican
Cathy M. Garrett, Democrat
9th District County Commissioner (inc. Dearborn Heights)
Mark H. Slater, Republican
Diane Webb, Democrat
13th District County Commissioner (Dearborn)
William A. Beddoes, Republican
Gary Woronchak, Democrat
3rd Circuit Court, Non-encumbent (All of Wayne County)
(in alphabetical order) - vote for 3 of 6
Richard Cunningham
Daniel A. Hathaway
Susan L. Hubbard
Connie Marie Kelley
Lynne A. Pierce
John J. Sullivan
District Court - 19th Judicial (Dearborn) vote for 1
Candyce Ewing Abbatt
Mark W. Somers
Dearborn School Board (alphabetical order - vote for 2)
Aimee Blackburn
John C. Corbin
Sharon Lee Dulmage
Mary Lane
Tameria A. Metiva

Voter Registration - Volunteers Needed

The League of Women Voters of Michigan is cooperating with the Michigan Department of Human Services to stage "Voter Registration Fairs" in the local offices.  The Dearborn - Dearborn Heights LWV is asking for help (2 for each morning) for the following days:
Friday, Sept. 5, 9am-11am   INKSTER    Carolyn Buell (LWV member)  + volunteer needed
Friday, Sept. 12, 9am-11am INKSTER  Volunteers needed
Monday, Sept. 15, 9am-11am GREENFIELD/JOY (Detroit)  Volunteers needed (especially Arabic-speaking)
Friday, Sept. 19, 9am-11am  INKSTER Volunteers needed
Friday, Sept. 26, 9am-11am    INKSTER  Volunteers needed
If you can help, please email Betsy Cushman or call her at 565-5972. 

Monday, September 1, 2008

Other Upcoming Events (sept-oct)

September 4, Thursday Evening

Friends of Detroit River

Annual Fall Dinner Cruise, 6 – 9 PM

Departing Hart Plaza on the Diamond Jack Boat
Tickets are $50.00. Call 734-675-0141

September 10, Wednesday Morning

At Your Service: Innovative Ways to Communicate with Residents

SEMCOG Offices, 9 AM – 12 PM

Learn about new ways (and technologies) to get your community messages to residents.

September 22, Monday Evening

Courting Trouble: hosted by LWV
6:45-8:30 p.m. at the Farmington Hills Public Library
A forum on the growing influence of money in Michigan Supreme Court elections and the threat it poses to public trust and confidence in the Court. "
Guest speakers include Rich Robinson, Exec. Dir. of the Michigan Campaign Finance Network, & Brian Dickerson, Detroit Free Press columnist.

September 26, Friday
Annual Citizens Research Council Meeting

October 3, Friday

Henry Ford Community College Civic Action Conference

October 3, Friday Afternoon

Women in Politics: Do Term Limits Help or Hurt Female Candidates?
12 to 1PM, Wayne State Alumni House
Please join the Women of Wayne Alumni Association as they host Professor Marjorie Sarbaugh-Thompson for a discussion on term-limits and the impact on women in the Michigan Legislature. Additional invited speakers include Wayne State Alumnae Rep. Kim Meltzer (R-Clinton Twp.), Rep. Bettie Cook Scott (D-Detroit ) and Sen. Irma Clark-Coleman (D-Detroit/Dearborn).
Please RSVP by
to or (313) 577-2300.

October 13-15

Creative Cities Summit, Detroit

Sunday, August 31, 2008

August 5, 2008 Primary Election Results

3rd Circuit Court:  Hathaway, Pierce Kelley, Sullivan, Hubbard, Cunningham

County Offices:  Treasurer: Wojtowicz (d) Dunleavy (r)
                          Clerk: Garrett (d) Buffington (r)
                          Sheriff:  Evans (d) Nykoriak (r)
                          Reg of Deeds (unopposed): Youngblood (d)
County Commissioner:  9th Dist.: Slater (r), Diane Webb (d)
                                       13th Dist:  Beddoes (r), Woronchak (d)

State Reps:           11th Dist:  David E. Nathan (d), Leonard A. Mier, Jr. (r)
                        15th :  Gino Polidori (d), J. Scott Saionz (r)
                        16th:  Bob Constan (d), Joseph M. Smith (r)
                        17th: Andy Dillon (d), Sandra Eggers (r)

Zoo: yes

provided by Betsy, Voter Service Chair

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Primary Election Voter Guide - Vote August 5th

The latest voter guide includes a 'Primary Ballot Summary' and candidate information for the 9th District County Commissioner.
Read it at

For all the names on your Wayne County ballot, go to Wayne County Election Listing.

Thursday, July 31, 2008

Watch the 3rd Circuit Ct Forum

3rd Circuit Court Forum from June, will air in the Dearborn and Woodhaven Comcast Systems:

Saturday July 26 & August 2 @ 3 pm & 7 pm

Sunday July 27 & August 3 @ 9 pm


Wednesday, July 16, 2008

LWV Detroit - Petition Drive

"The League of Women Voters of Detroit has begun a citywide, grassroots petition drive to get the Detroit City Council elected by district instead of at-large."

To join the effort, call the league at 313-962-0905.

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

FISA Amendments Act of 2008

FISA Amendments Act of 2008 is scheduled to be addressed by the Senate. The LWV opposes this bill.

ACTION ALERT: Stand Up and Fight for Civil Liberties

Take Action

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

TV Times - 3rd Circuit Court Forum

Wayne County Residents can view the 3rd Circuit Court Candidates Forum on Comcast.

Below is the playback schedules:

For the Dearborn and Woodhaven Systems (see city list below)
Saturday July 12 & 19 @ 8 am, 10 am 1 pm & 5 pm
Sunday July 13 & 20 @ 8 am, 11 am, 2:30 pm, 5 pm, 7 pm

Detroit on Channel 68/916
Monday, July 7, at 6:00 PM – 8:00 PM
Tuesday, July 8, at 9:00 PM – 11:00 PM
Wednesday, July 9 at 8:00 PM – 10:00 PM
Thursday, July 10 at 7:00 PM – 9:00 PM
Friday, July 11, at 7:30 PM – 9:30 PM
Saturday, July 12 at 1:00 PM – 3:00 PM
Sunday, July 13 at 2:30 PM – 4:30 PM

Woodhaven System on channel 20/916:
Allen Park, Brownstown Twp., Berlin Twp., Ecorse, Flat Rock, Garden City, Gibraltar,
Grosse Ile, Inkster, Lincoln Park, Melvindale, Riverview, River Rouge, Rockwood,
Southgate, South Rockwood, Taylor, Trenton and Woodhaven

Dearborn System on channel 18/916:

Canton, Dearborn, Northville, and Plymouth
(Wayne, Westland, Van Buren Twp, Belleville and Romulus control their own Public Access Channel)

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Rouge River Watershed Survey

"The Alliance of Rouge Communities (ARC) is a voluntary public watershed entity currently comprised of 40 municipal governments."
This organization is seeking public input about the Rouge River Watershed.  Visit their website to find out more about the watershed and what ARC has been doing:   
What do you think are the most important issues in regards to the watershed?  Tell the ARC what you want prioritized by completing the survey.  Go to their website above to take the survey, or click on the survey link below:   

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Register to Vote by July 7th

In order to vote in the August 5th Primary, you must be registered by July 7th.

This election will narrow the names on the ballot to a maximum of 2 candidates for every position. Some races have no opposition in the primary.
Contested positions in our league area include:
11th Congressional District
11th District State Rep.
17th District State Rep
3rd. Circuit Court Judge Incumbent
3rd. Circuit court non-incumbent
9th. district County Commissioner
Wayne County Sheriff
Wayne County Register of Deeds
Wayne County Clerk
Wayne County Treasurer
Partisan Precinct Delegates

Monday, June 30, 2008

Watch the video: Ann Arbor - Detroit Regional Rail Project

"The current project is to provide commuter rail service in the Detroit-Ann Arbor corridor with stops in Ann Arbor, Ypsilanti, Detroit Metropolitan Airport, Dearborn, and Detroit. The project takes advantage of existing infrastructure where possible and requires adding new station stops in Ypsilanti and at Detroit Metro Airport."
The page with explanation and other links, including the video download:
Just the Video Link:  (need Quicktime to view)
If video doesn't begin automatically, start Quicktime first and reload page or with IE, go to Tools, Manage Add-Ons and Enable patient.

Saturday, June 28, 2008

Transportation Survey

"SEMCOG, the Southeast Michigan Council of Governments, is conducting a survey to gauge the public's level of satisfaction with the region's transportation system and their attitudes toward prioritizing transportation improvements."

Take the Survey

Monday, June 23, 2008

Candidate Forum June 24th - August Primary News

The League of Women Voters from Wayne County will be sponsoring a candidate forum for judicial candidates running for Third CircuitCourt, non-incumbent positions in the Primary Election (5 August 2008).

There are three open seats and the August Primary will cut the fieldfrom eleven candidates to six candidates. The forum will be held on Tuesday, 24 June 2008 at 7:00 until 9:00 PM at Vis-Ta-Tech Center at Schoolcraft College.

The address for the Livonia Campus location is 18600 Haggerty Road, Livonia. There are several entrances and the Vis-Ta-Tech Center is well marked. The phone number is 734-462-4595.

For more information, see also the LWVGP website at

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Rouge River News

Kingfisher Bluff Update
From a Voter article, December 2005, regarding the Rouge River: “There is a lovely natural area behind Henry Ford Community College called Kingfisher Bluff. HFCC plans to cut into the banks of the bluff to build a large wooden lookout along with repaving their parking lot this is the area the Kingfisher bird uses as its nesting site. There are very few available sites for thee birds to nest. In addition, the soft shell mat and painted turtles gather at the foot of this site.”

Since that time, negotiations have been ongoing with HFCC, ECT Engineering, environmentalists, and the Michigan Department of Environment. It seemed that the engineering plans made too great an impact on Kingfisher Bluff, so MDEQ wouldn’t grant a permit to proceed.

In an interview with Allen Gigliottee, HFCC’s Director of Building and Grounds, public comments were accepted and resulting meetings were set to discuss the bluff and viewing deck. No public hearings were requested. As a result, ECT, Inc. changed their original plans which included a cantilevered design, a foundation and a retaining wall and agreed to a more natural bio-engineered style. It will be built at the very top of the bluff where the grade of ground is already level. In case there would be a disturbance of the Kingfisher birds, ECT will insert nesting tubes that the birds have been found to use at other sites.

It was the wish of all environmentalists involved that the overlook / deck would be placed near but not on the bluff because of the impact on its resources. Yet, negotiations prevailed and the outcome must have been acceptable to MDEQ as the permit was granted. HFCC will start on the overlook first, followed by the repaving of the parking lot which includes a rain garden and plantings that will help slow the storm water.

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Frustration with access to voter information in Wayne County

Who filed for Wayne County offices?

This should be easily available to the public, especially civic-minded groups like the League of Women Voters. The deadline was May 13; withdrawal deadline May 16.Members of our Voter Service committee (LWVDDH) have been calling the Elections dept. of the Wayne County Clerk's office, every few days since to ask when it will be posted on their website, hearing "on Wednesday", "in the next few days", "next week."On June 3,"Gil" in the Elections Dept., said that if we want a copy of the candidates who will be on the August Primary ballot, we must go in person to the City County Bldg., room 502, and pay 25 cents a sheet -there are 94 sheets, but we can go through them and pick out the local municipalities (or county-wide races) we want to copy.

He doesn't know when it will be on line. I asked why it was being kept secret, and he said it's not, it's available to anyone who comes in person and pays 25 cents a sheet for the results. Mon-Fri. 8-4:30.

We want the (1) county-wide Wayne County races, the (2) 9th and 13th district Wayne County Commissioner races, and (3) the list of precinct delegates in Dearborn and Dearborn Heights, and anything else that will be on our ballots that only Wayne County clerk's office has access to?

I never want to publicly print, in the name of the League of Women Voters, information I don't have from the official source. That State of Michigan Secretary of State's office has fabulous information, on line, fully accessible, at, which includes all the many and confusing judicial races, as well as the other races we face in both the primary and general 2008 elections. The local city clerks offices in Dearborn and Dearborn Heights are always helpful, and give access to public information right after the filing deadlines. It is a real disservice to the people of Wayne County that public access, prior to the ballots being printed, is not readily available to interested citizens and groups.

P.S. Today, the morning of June 5, 3 weeks after the filing deadlines have passed, the information is still not on-line.
Betsy Cushman

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Candidates Forum June 24th - 3rd Circuit Court

The League of Women Voters from Wayne County will be sponsoring a candidate forum for judicial candidates running for Third Circuit Court, non-incumbent positions in the Primary Election (5 August 2008).

There are three open seats and the August Primary will cut the field from eleven candidates to six candidates.The forum will be held Tuesday, 24 June 2008 at 7:00 until 9:00 PM at Vis-Ta-Tech Center at Schoolcraft College. The address for the Livonia Campus location is 18600 Haggerty Rd., Livonia. (Vis-Ta-Tech Center 734.462.4595).

There are several entrances and the Vis-Ta-Tech Center is well marked.The candidate forum will be moderated by a member of the League of Women Voters according to established League guidelines. Questions for the candidates will be from the audience. The public is encouraged to attend and learn about the candidates.

Saturday, May 31, 2008

Voter Registration - Watch PSAs

Express Yourself.
Register, Vote and Be Heard!
As part of the Freedom of Expression through Film campaign, the League has begun participation in a series of special events geared toward helping people register to vote or update their registration information. Nearly 1,000 people attended the first two events, and hundreds picked up League publications that will help them participate in the upcoming elections. You can get involved too!

Watch our three new PSAs encouraging viewers to Register, Vote and Be Heard. Featuring Oscar® nominated actress Virginia Madsen, the campaign showcases and encourages women to express themselves in life, politics and beauty – specifically by voting for what they believe in and taking care of their health and skin. Do you have friends and family who still need to register? Send them to!

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

May 2008 Voter News

Help keep our democracy strong this summer by getting involved with your local League! If you're already a member, please forward this note to friends and ask them to get active, or share your story to help inspire others. And--don't forget to ask your friends and loved ones to register to vote by visiting!

Take Action Now for Global Climate Change!
The Senate is expected to take up global climate change legislation in the coming days. Your Senators need to know that they should support strong action to control global warming. Tell them today! For more information, read about the League's work on this important topic here.
LWV and Encourage Voter Participation in 2008
The League and, a new information and social networking site for baby boomers, are joining forces to promote political awareness and voter activity for the upcoming election. is a free, member site for experienced, well-informed people ages 45 and up, interested in issues about the next phase of their lives – whether new careers, volunteering or pursuing passions. will soon be featuring articles about the League and discussions about political volunteering, as well as linking to VOTE411 and the League site. Visit to join the conversation!

Sunday, April 6, 2008

Upcoming Events

The Commission for Women at the University of Michigan Dearborn is planning a
Professional Women's Organization Fair on
Thursday, April 10, 2008 between 11AM and 1:30 PM
Kochoff A-C of the University Center.
The league plans to have an informational table.

If you can help Toni Tront give information out about the league, please call her at 313.274.2171 or send her an email. This is usually very gratifying work and give the league great exposure to a very professional gathering of women.

On Sunday, April 27, 2008
Realtors in four counties are hosting open houses to encourage potential home buyers to take a look at houses for sale. In addition, many communities are also participating, hoping to show off the great things in their city. The Dearborn Board of Realtors is coordinating efforts to have activities around town. In support of the Realtors' efforts, the City of Dearborn is offering the use of Studio A inside the beautiful Ford Community & Performing Arts Center for community groups (service clubs, neighborhood associations, cultural arts or recreational groups) to set up information tables about their organization. The league decided to have an informational table.

If you have time between Noon and 5:00pm to help us give information out, please call Val Murphy Goodrich or myself.

Sunday, March 2, 2008

Introduction to Mental Illness

Open to Public - Saturday AfternoonIntroduction to Mental Illness-101

March 15th 1-4pm
Henry Ford Centennial Library
16301 Michigan AveDearborn313-943-2330

Presentation by Dr. Manuel Tancer, Director of WSU School of PsychiatryEducators, employers, and clergy are encouraged to attend and become informed community leaders, so they can assist the families and friends seek help when they become aware that there is someone becoming ill. The earlier the intervention, the more possible it is to be on the road to recovery. Come and learn about mental illness and become a "STIGMA BUSTER".