Wednesday, May 28, 2008

May 2008 Voter News

Help keep our democracy strong this summer by getting involved with your local League! If you're already a member, please forward this note to friends and ask them to get active, or share your story to help inspire others. And--don't forget to ask your friends and loved ones to register to vote by visiting!

Take Action Now for Global Climate Change!
The Senate is expected to take up global climate change legislation in the coming days. Your Senators need to know that they should support strong action to control global warming. Tell them today! For more information, read about the League's work on this important topic here.
LWV and Encourage Voter Participation in 2008
The League and, a new information and social networking site for baby boomers, are joining forces to promote political awareness and voter activity for the upcoming election. is a free, member site for experienced, well-informed people ages 45 and up, interested in issues about the next phase of their lives – whether new careers, volunteering or pursuing passions. will soon be featuring articles about the League and discussions about political volunteering, as well as linking to VOTE411 and the League site. Visit to join the conversation!