September 4, Thursday Evening
Friends of
Annual Fall Dinner Cruise,
Tickets are $50.00. Call 734-675-0141
September 10, Wednesday Morning
At Your Service: Innovative Ways to Communicate with Residents
SEMCOG Offices,
Learn about new ways (and technologies) to get your community messages to residents.
September 22, Monday Evening
6:45-8:30 p.m. at the Farmington Hills Public Library
A forum on the growing influence of money in Michigan Supreme Court elections and the threat it poses to public trust and confidence in the Court. "
Guest speakers include Rich Robinson, Exec. Dir. of the Michigan Campaign Finance Network, & Brian Dickerson, Detroit Free Press columnist.
September 26, Friday
Annual Citizens Research Council Meeting
October 3, Friday
October 3, Friday Afternoon
Women in Politics: Do Term Limits Help or Hurt Female Candidates?
12 to 1PM, Wayne State Alumni House
Please join the Women of Wayne Alumni Association as they host Professor Marjorie Sarbaugh-Thompson for a discussion on term-limits and the impact on women in the Michigan Legislature. Additional invited speakers include Wayne State Alumnae Rep. Kim Meltzer (R-Clinton Twp.), Rep. Bettie Cook Scott (D-Detroit ) and Sen. Irma Clark-Coleman (D-Detroit/Dearborn).Please RSVP by
October 13-15
Creative Cities